Real Pay
Working Towards A Smart Digitally Managed County
This is a comprehensive solution for the electronic collection of county fees, taxes, and duties.
Achieve a cashless environment through automated revenue collection. It allows counties to exploit the full capabilities of new tech and transform services to the public.
County Revenue Streams
Un-structured Revenue Streams
- Trade fees, Daily Business Operating Fees.
- Market Daily fees & Daily Space Hiring
- Daily Parking Fees
- Daily Cess Fees
- County Court & Fines
- Construction & Building Fees
Structured Revenue Streams
- Trade fees, Business Permits & Licenses Payments
- Trade Fees, Advertising & Billboards License
- Reserved Parking
- Monthly Trading Cess Fees
- Monthly, Quarterly & Yearly Market Rent
- Yearly Land Rates
RealPay Staff POS Devices
- Field Revenue Collection Smart POS with advanced security and printing with an android app installed
- Receives both mobile money payment confirmation and cash payments
- Secure Receipt with text, bar code, and QR codes with payment information
Structured Revenue Streams
- Registration of License Services, Renewal, and Cancellation
- Service payments
- Billing information
- License Issuance
- License pre-printing copy in pdf
Mobile Money Paybills Collection
Real Time paybills integration for billing facilities and services
- Water
- Power
- Internet
- Rental
- County Insurance Cover Programs
- Prepaid Transport Services
- Facilities Access Payments: Gate fees etc
RealPay Administration System
- Admin users and Staff admin
- County Services Configurations, Fees, Charges Setup
- Citizen Applications, Payments and Services Data Management
- Audit Trail Reports
- Maker/Checker Processes definition and configuration
- Citizen loyalty program configuration
Why Real pay
- This basic framework of REAL TIME PAYMENTS separates the collection of cash and the actual collection of fees in the revenue collection process (Super Reporting Model)
- Under this framework cash is collected at the beginning through trusted staff, authorized third party paybills and even agents.
- Providing security and confidentiality for the county by building its own infrastructure (instead of using that of the banks or other financial institutions)
- Reducing and eliminating fraud, theft, and errors that are usually associated with cash transactions.
- Elimination of cash management resulting in tremendous savings in the cash infrastructure
- Elimination of Periodic Audits
- Elimination of usage of stamps and paperwork